SOAAR Safety & Disclaimer

Community organizing/gathering to end extreme organized abuse is not for the faint of heart. It is a soul calling, based on a deep inner knowing that staying silent and isolated is worse than any risk that uniting might bring.

Our goal is to keep our community a safe, supportive, and respectful environment. In order to maintain this, we personally approve all new members to ensure mutual fit. All participants are asked honor our membership guidelines.

Support for Organized Abuse and Addiction Recovery - SOAAR makes every effort to protect all personal information we receive and ensure our events are safe. However, it is the Internet, and we cannot guarantee 100% privacy. Our events take place in 3D reality, where we can’t control all outcomes. Please take care to protect your safety and the safety of your loved ones, and we will do so as well, to the best of our ability.

We are not giving medical advice, nor attempting to govern anyone. We cannot guarantee that anyone you meet during participation with SOAAR will be safe or free from organized abuse operations. We do not ask others to share any particular spiritual orientation, but we do practice prayer, meditation, and other energy techniques as inspired for grounding, protection, the release of negativity, and healing.

We believe in a divine and loving spiritual guardian team that guides our efforts and actions - and that we would not be in existence without this support. We take these risks in large part because of the enslaved children still waiting to be helped, the ones who are trapped (inside and outside), wondering why no one is finding and freeing them. We are.

At SOAAR, we are inspired, mindful of risks, courageous, and seek to use our individual and community power for good.

Photo: Susanne Jutzeler, suju-foto